Slow Pc/Connection? F**k this, Stream anyway

Streaming…the hell is this?

Well everyone should know what streaming is since we are in 2014 but by streaming we refer to the continuous transmission of data from an user to a server and by data we are referring to fps (frames per second aka images)  audio etc. and We are actually covering video streaming in this totally-lacking-technical-knowledge guide.

Here we go lads

So you got a gaming rig that survived generations of gaming and now is just a cybernetic box shaped zombie showing a glorious past, tales of overclocking madness and countless hours developing a supernova in its GPU without (or almost) melting it?

zombie pc

AND you got an Internet connection that even an ethernet cable plugged from Earth to Pluto would be faster?

Then dig a hole and don’t bother me!

Just kidding haha! You can stream not 4k 60 fps at 3mbs bitrate but you can still stream and fluently.


A recording software:

There is tons to choose from like:

  1. X split Broadcaster

Free comes with basic recording options but overlays, full-screen game capture etc.  Will be limited. There is even a light weight version called Gamecaster (the “advanced”  user software is Broadcaster) that directly connects you with minimal tweaking but since we got limited hardware/Connection Gamecaster is not reccomended IMHO:i lagged hard with Xsplit and my stream was awful,but maybe it was me or my connection even though with OBS i didnt’ have this problem at all)

This is my preferred choice, fully customizable and more important FREE and a full best-settings-for-sucky-pc-connection will be covered later in this guide.)

  1. Wirecast

Professional choice,starting at 495$ so i don’t think this is your best choice if you don’t have good streaming gear.

I’ll quote the their site:Evolve makes your games more fun with media sharing, universal matchmaking, free VoIP, a gaming VPN, and more. He also features the party option to chat and stream with friends.

  • PC with a decent gpu/cpu/ram

You’re going to need at least 2gb ram,i3 cpu and at least 1gb decent GPU card to get a fairly good stream.

  • Streaming site subscription:

There’s ton to choose from like: combo-wombo low spec-slow connection guide

 ♦Foreword:This is what works with MY connection (7mb down-0.7mb up and my computer spec:2gb ram,2.66ghz cpu and a sucky 610 1gb nvidia gpu i can’t garantee that it will work for you since i’m not an expert,this is just my 2 cent)♦

We are going to get this done in some easy steps (

1. Download OBS and Subrscribe to
2. Install OBS and set it up as follows:

  • Encoding:

  • Broadcast Settings

(you need to change the “Server” value to your nearest Geographical server or the lowest Ms/Jitter one and for the “Play path/Stream key” you just need to go to your account,under “Dashboard” there is a tab with the “stream key”)

  • Video

(feel free to roam in the range with the resolution as i am not using a standard 16:9 or 4:3 resolution but don’t go too high otherwise the bitrate and compression wont’ be enough)

  • Audio

  • Advanced