Slow Pc/Connection? F**k this, Stream anyway

Streaming…the hell is this?

Well everyone should know what streaming is since we are in 2014 but by streaming we refer to the continuous transmission of data from an user to a server and by data we are referring to fps (frames per second aka images)  audio etc. and We are actually covering video streaming in this totally-lacking-technical-knowledge guide.

Here we go lads

So you got a gaming rig that survived generations of gaming and now is just a cybernetic box shaped zombie showing a glorious past, tales of overclocking madness and countless hours developing a supernova in its GPU without (or almost) melting it?

zombie pc

AND you got an Internet connection that even an ethernet cable plugged from Earth to Pluto would be faster?

Then dig a hole and don’t bother me!

Just kidding haha! You can stream not 4k 60 fps at 3mbs bitrate but you can still stream and fluently.


A recording software:

There is tons to choose from like:

  1. X split Broadcaster

Free comes with basic recording options but overlays, full-screen game capture etc.  Will be limited. There is even a light weight version called Gamecaster (the “advanced”  user software is Broadcaster) that directly connects you with minimal tweaking but since we got limited hardware/Connection Gamecaster is not reccomended IMHO:i lagged hard with Xsplit and my stream was awful,but maybe it was me or my connection even though with OBS i didnt’ have this problem at all)

This is my preferred choice, fully customizable and more important FREE and a full best-settings-for-sucky-pc-connection will be covered later in this guide.)

  1. Wirecast

Professional choice,starting at 495$ so i don’t think this is your best choice if you don’t have good streaming gear.

I’ll quote the their site:Evolve makes your games more fun with media sharing, universal matchmaking, free VoIP, a gaming VPN, and more. He also features the party option to chat and stream with friends.

  • PC with a decent gpu/cpu/ram

You’re going to need at least 2gb ram,i3 cpu and at least 1gb decent GPU card to get a fairly good stream.

  • Streaming site subscription:

There’s ton to choose from like: combo-wombo low spec-slow connection guide

 ♦Foreword:This is what works with MY connection (7mb down-0.7mb up and my computer spec:2gb ram,2.66ghz cpu and a sucky 610 1gb nvidia gpu i can’t garantee that it will work for you since i’m not an expert,this is just my 2 cent)♦

We are going to get this done in some easy steps (

1. Download OBS and Subrscribe to
2. Install OBS and set it up as follows:

  • Encoding:

  • Broadcast Settings

(you need to change the “Server” value to your nearest Geographical server or the lowest Ms/Jitter one and for the “Play path/Stream key” you just need to go to your account,under “Dashboard” there is a tab with the “stream key”)

  • Video

(feel free to roam in the range with the resolution as i am not using a standard 16:9 or 4:3 resolution but don’t go too high otherwise the bitrate and compression wont’ be enough)

  • Audio

  • Advanced

IMHO League of Legends + 3 free (ugly as hell) skins!

F**K YOU,enough with this,just want to know how to get free skins

Useless intro about the most famous online game ATM

Well, since its player base/Fandom is peaking about 30 million players at the moment you should know what League of Legends (or league of why the hell am I still Bronze V1 in my case) is. Just in case you are living under a rock (or you have a normal social life that is even more probable) LOL is, besides the laugher acronym, one of the most famous Massive Online Battle Arena game (MOBA).

MOBAS took inspiration from the old Warcraft Mod Defence of the Ancients (DOTA2,yay for acronyms today) and league of legends has lots of features that places it inside this category and even some unique traits:


  • Big variety of champions to choose among (119 atm)
  • costant updates with new champions and balancing
  • it's free with mircrotransations
  • can customize your favourite champ altought compared to others mobas like DOTA 2 customization is way behind
  • can create teams,can play for fun or compete with ranked games
  • very low graphic requirements
  • multiple games modes 3vs3,5vs5 etc.


  • its ranked system is NOT ALWAYS accurate since it doesn't depend 100% on you since is 5vs5
  • learning curve is high to play actually any good and every champion has its learning time
  • player base is TOXIC as hell,is like all the hatred in the word is concentrated in a single game
  • sometimes it feels like it lacks something specially if you played DOTA 2 or others MOBA

Eww I smell generic online game

NOPE. I too have wandered the shadowy dens of Google looking for some quality online games that both entertain me, let me have some fun with friends and enjoy some free time. And LOL… IS NOT THE FUCKING CASE. You’ll rage, punch walls, jump out of the window after a promo game1 failed and stuff like this all the damn time or unlike me you’re mentally sane and you’re going to have a great time.

There’s ton cheap ass online games that entertain you for a while but you soon give it up.LOL probably is not the case.

It offers multiple game modes.

Brainstorming Overview

  • You are a summoner who play as one of the 119 avaible champions with unique skills and aspect
  • You got as your main goal the enemy main structure (nexus) destruction.
  • Everytime you join a game you’re lv 1 (mostly) and you level up killing minions,standing nearby them while they die or killing enemy champions or assisting in their kill until lv 18.
  • You got 4 main skills 3 that have instant/very short/short cooldown and the last one,the infamous Ultimate,that has a longer cooldown but bigger potential.
  • Map (5vs5) is composed by 3 main lanes,lines where towers and inihibitors are placed (ally and enemy).The first defend the laners giving a continous output of damage that can’t be sustained at early levels giving the player near it protection the latter when detroyed spawn super-minions that are more resistant and kick harder.
  • Along with players the map is populated by neutral creatures living in the jungle that provides buffs and minions (both ally and enemy) that continuously spawn from nexus to nexus.
  • There are many roles that every champ can go with and even multiple ones for a single champion

Main roles are

      • ADC (Attack Damage Carry) or Marksman that deals damage through ranged attacks
      • Support Mostly goes with the ADC and helps him out healing him,stunning enemies to let the carry kill them and provides vision to the map etc.
      • Tank Its main role is to engage fights and let the others use their skills on him while his teammates kill the distracted enemy team,aka bait.
      • Jungler Roams in the jungle and provides help to lanes through “ganks” that surprise enemy champions helping the laners
  • You level from 1 to 18 and every level grants you a Skill point to be spent in one of your 4 skills.
  • To make yourself stronger you buy items at the base with gold earned from killing,getting assists in kills or farming minions.


5VS5 game where you fight to conquer the enemy nexus (a well protected structure that,throgh destruction,leads to winning)

3vs3 same as before but here the teamfights are more frequent since the map is much smaller with 3 main lanes3 and a small jungle4

Ranked this mode allows you to play competitively ranking up the leagues1  already known as “where you’ll lose your hair,10 year life span and probably break up life-time friendship mode” .This mode requires the ban of 6 champions (3 each team) that can’t be used in this game.


Just like a ranked game but normal with no ranking


Do i even need to explain this one? just kidding haha.

It’s a non-ranked mode that is very different from the regular game.

Your main goal is to conquer bases and get more points than your enemy.Just like “King of the hill” mode in many other games.


All random all mid.That’s it you pick this mode and the system randomizes your champ,

Non ranked 5vs5 game mode with a very minimalistic map where you got 1 single lane and action packed moments.

You can even change your randomized champ for another if you got enough “dices” accumulated by playing that mode.

Casual or Hardcore?

After you get used to its meta and you prefix yourself a goal you want to reach you’ll do anything to achieve it. You can play, as mentioned before, both casual or Hardcore it depends on your playstyle lol can provide both with ease.

League is very famous during eSports events leading to an even hardcor-er (neologism time yay) experience with world famous players and matches.



Yay.Definitely Yay,you are going to have a great time and even better if you play with some friends.Sure there are some negative aspect but the game is great and most important,it’s free.You can give it a try and if you don’t like it you didnt’ even spend a single dime (you only spent precious hours of life,but hey who cares! ahah).

Graphics are not that great 3d models are old and feel old sometimes and even animations are not next gen at all,AT ALL i mean. But gradually they “visual upgrades” characters to get a better 2014-ish experience.

Gameplay is great.You gonna have fun and relax or either get angry as hell but both are signs that the game has great impact on you  = you won’t get bored.

Audio i loved the many track themes that they release a champion with.They are professionally crafted and goes perfectly with the champion they are related with.In game sound effect are not bad but by the way they are currently getting updated too.

Lol valuation grid




So you read all this damn long article that says nothing at all and useless as hell? Probably not but it doens’t matter here is your prize:



Alistar Free Skin: To get Alistar Unchained Make sure you’re logged into the league of legends main website then Just subscribe to your server youtube channel and it will unlock

If you play in NA server just subsribe to their youtube channel;
EUW Server;
EUNE Server;



Tristana free skin:To get tristana riot girl skin you just need to be logged to the main league of legends website and hit “Like” on their facebook page

NA Server;
EUW Server;
EUNE Server;
OCE Server;


Free Garen skin:To get Garen the Dreadknight you just need to follow league of legends (riot) on Twitter and thorugh their app they will send you a code to redeem ingame (no is not a scam,i though that too)

Other servers:



1. Get a better explanation of what league of legends ranks are
2. Dota 2 Website
3. Lanes,minions and map
4. Detailed explanation of what jungling is

Dark Souls 2 style PSD download


You’ve been playing Dark Souls II and probably are willing to get a custom signature out in pure Dark Soulish style? Probably not.

But if there’s a small chance you do here’s a ready to customize .PSD file just click on the image below the example

Prepate to di–erm customize your own.

One email to conquer them (aka Gmail multiple addresses trick)

how to

Website Registration forms? Let’s trick them

How many times you wanted to register to one site and when you are prompted to sign up you get the infamous:

This email address is already registered (or someone hacked your email and is randomly signing up on sites)



Now if you got Gmail (and Jesus christ everyone has it and it you’re using some other kind of mail service you should Definitely try it out) there’s one little trick you can use to trick (cacophonic as hell) Websites into thinking you are using a different email address just follow this steps:

  1. Pick your email address or register a new one at Gmail ex.
  2. Just put “+”  (without the brackets)  after your mail ex.
  3. You can also write “.” (without brackets)  in between your address to trick them like

Ps:if you need to register to gmail you just need to click that little cute image:


What’s the point?

By doing so you are actually creating virtually infinite addresses and can create multiple accounts tracking inbox with ease since you need to track just your main email.

You save time in multiple ways like the fact that you dont’ even need to create another email and can have multiple accounts on a same game/site with just one main adrees.



OK, just like me then. There’s a solution for every problem and it’s name is Mailinator.

What does It do? It creates an email address on the fly at the moment you are writing it so you can check it on their site (below)  and check your inbox with no spam worries.

You save time in multiple ways:

  • Avoid getting junk emails
  • not giving your personal address to someone who you dont’ trust or don’t want to get contacted by
  • avoid creating pointless email just to check a single link/code like verification emails

Mailinator,say bye bye to spam


Playing Global Maplestory Outside America with VPN


 how to

So you got frustated like me cause you used to play global maplestory but now,and by now i mean since 2007 lol,they IP blocked all the reagions but USA (and some others minorities) even thought the caption GLOBAL preventing you to play it again?


Here’s some easy steps you need to follow in order to play it with 200-250 ms,can be frustating at picking up items but is very playable.

ps:i tried every other alternative (free ones,of course) and this is the only one that seems to work,just to save you some time lurking the web.


  1. Create a new  account at Global Maplestory (no matter the ip you are using)
  2. log in
  3. download  Logo Spotflux
  4. install it and turn it on by pressing the “Power on” button,dont’ touch settings
  5. press “PLAY” on maplestory website
  6. that’s it,play and wish they dont’ find it out otherwise we european outcasts will have to play on the europea-toned down-bugged version.